Welcome to my blog

Congratulations and welcome to friends, family and others who have found something of interest in my blog. The reason that I have created this blog is to share some of my experiences regarding my own journey of writing and publishing my autobiography. I am really excited and motivated about this whole process. I hope that what I write about is interesting to you and thank you for your encouragement and support.

Friday, December 30, 2011

What's your goals for 2012?

With today being the eve of the new year for 2012 I thought I'd set some of my own goals and dig up last years post about "Goal Setting".

Did you know that the majority of people spend more time planning a holiday than they spend setting goals for the future?

Have you ever set goals in the past or have you thought about setting goals for the New Year, but just didn’t know where to start?

Well maybe today is the day!  As I said in my last blog “why put off tomorrow, what you can do today?”  So let’s set some goals together!

I have always had goals and I suspect, so have you, but I bet like most people you never actually wrote them down.  This is a really important aspect of goal setting and one that I will encourage you to actually do!

Now before we get started, I just wanted to point out why it is important to have goals.  So this next point might seem a bit left field, but stick with me and see where I’m travelling with it.

How many of you either play a sport or watch sports?  Football, netball, basketball or soccer?  What is the one common thing that each of these games have?  That’s right, they all have goals.  What would be the point of playing these games if there were no goals.  You wouldn’t know who was winning or how hard you needed to keep trying to reach your goal or even exceed your goal.  Therefore goals are important, they are the guide post that keep you on track and let you know how you’re going.

What's your goals for 2012?
Now there are many books, websites and professionals such as life coaches that are dedicated to helping you set and achieve your goals.  Sometimes these can be costly, so I am going to try and keep this basic, so that you actually can put these goals into action.

When setting goals, I think that it is important to not only have big goals that may take longer, but also lots of smaller goals that help you work towards achieving the bigger goals.

Often (but not always) bigger goals take longer to achieve, so it’s good to give yourself some more time to achieve those goals.  I find it easier to work from biggest back down to smallest goals.  So let’s break it down into 3 goals per time frame.  (you fill in the blanks).  You will notice I am using the words “I will” which I also referred to in my Gain or Loss post; this is because we need to call upon your “will power” to help achieve your goals.

Before I die
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
In 20 years time (I will be 60 years old)
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
In 10 years time (I will be 50 years old)
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
In 5 years time  (I will be 45 years old)
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
By the end of 2012 (I will be 40  years old)
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
By the end of January 2012
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
By the end of this week
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
By the end of today
  • I will
  • I will
  • I will
Now you still might be sitting there reading and thinking I still have no idea what areas of my life I want to improve.  Well to help you work on this, you can approach it in two ways.

1.         What areas of your life do you want to improve from 2011?
2.         What areas of your life do you currently value?

When thinking about these questions, also remember that often our lives are affected holistically.  This means, that when we have a healthy mind, body and spirit, we think, feel and act so much better.

So under each time frame heading, set one goal for each area of your life (mind, body, spirit)

For example:

By the end of today
  • I will read a chapter of a book = MIND
  • I will do 30 minutes of stretching exercises = BODY
  • I will spend 10 minutes in quiet meditation = SPIRIT
How will you know if it is a mind, body or spirit goal?

Mind goals are things that make your think, get your brain working such as reading, writing, blogging, internet surfing, crosswords, card games, board games, sewing, knitting, talking with others, watching a documentary, scrap-booking, playing, listening to music, painting, singing or acting. (please beware of gaming as these sometimes deaden your mind instead of stimulate it)

Body goals are usually anything that takes physical effort and energy.  Any of the above sports that I already mentioned or swimming, walking, bike riding, table tennis, boxing, golfing or playing darts are also great body goals.

Spiritual goals are very wide and varied.  I want you to remember that this is a very individual goal and basically anything that “makes your heart sing”.  If your heart is singing then you have found your spiritual goal.  So find your most favourite thing in the world to do and just do it!  It’s usually something that you love doing and you loose track of time when you’re doing it. 

The last thing that I want to bring to your awareness, is that most things in this world are better shared.  So share your goals with others and make yourself accountable.   Think about how these goals will impact others in your life and remember that sometimes “less is more”.

So here’s to a prosperous and Happy New Year so until next time!  Enjoy!

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