Welcome to my blog

Congratulations and welcome to friends, family and others who have found something of interest in my blog. The reason that I have created this blog is to share some of my experiences regarding my own journey of writing and publishing my autobiography. I am really excited and motivated about this whole process. I hope that what I write about is interesting to you and thank you for your encouragement and support.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Joy Makepeace life at a glance with photo's

Today I am going to give you a quick glance at my life in a photographic time-line, which should prepare you for the journey that I will take you on in my book, without letting out all of the secrets.

I was born in 1972 in a little country town called Wee Waa in Northern New South Wales.  In my birth family I am the 9th child of 12 children, which is made up of 7 boys and 5 girls.  

In my adoptive family I am the baby of the family and have 1 older sister and 2 older brothers.  Kate, Fenwick and Robert.   

I have met most of my birth siblings at least once, but am still searching for 2 older brothers, whom I have never met. 

April 1972 - Became a Ward of the State 

Me and my adoptive famil
August 1972 - Was fostered to the Makepeace family This is one of the first photo's that I have of me and my adoptive family.  As you can see my brothers and sister were quite a bit older than me.  I was the baby of the Makepeace family and was never short of being loved.

August 1981 - Birth mum passed away.
My birth mum - Joan West
1982 - Was adopted to the Makepeace family
Me and my brothers and sister
This is my brothers and sister that I grew up with.  In this above photo I was 10 years old and didn't have a worry in the world. 

1983 - Met triplets
L-R:  Ben, Geordie, Joy and Olive

I vaguely remember this day that I first met the triplets (who are the youngest children of my birth family).  We were in Tamworth (NSW) and I don't think that any of us really knew that we were actually brothers and sisters.  I treasure this photo now.

 1984 - Moved to Queensland

This is a photo of Dad and me on our 100 acre block of land in Queensland.  My Dad was a carpenter and built this log cabin style home from what was known as hog-backs.   We had no electricity or running water.  We had a huge veggie patch and I had a horse and motorbike.  I had some of the best times of my life at this place.  Lots of fond memories.  I was 12 years old here.
1987 - Adoptive parents separated and divorced
1987 - Moved to South Australia 
1989 - Finished High School
1990 - Went to University and graduated 
  • 1995 - Got married                                 2000 - Got divorced    

 1996 - Travelled overseas

1996 - Had 1st child – Jordan 

Jordan - Nov 1996 - 2 days old

Jordan was born in November 
1996.  This took me on a journey 
that I share in great depth in my

2004 - Settled back down

2004 - Had 2nd child - Jai                                        2005 - Had 3rd child - Violet

Violet - Born June 2006
Jai - Born October 2004

2008 - Completed post-graduate studies

 Joy's Masters in Social Science Counselling
2010 - Joy Makepeace - Author of the forthcoming book, "Finding the joy within"


  1. Loved seeing your pictorial journey Joy. You are beautiful.Thank you for sharing! xxxx

  2. It is my pleasure and glad you're enjoying my blog, we all have a story to tell. :)

  3. Carmel wrote:
    Joy I had no idea you had such an interesting childhood! It's a great read already xx

    Shirleen wrote:
    This is fantastic......a great teaser for the book, which I can't wait to see in print!!
    I look forward to following your journey:) xx
    Lorelle wrote:
    Very interesting & powerful. Enjoyed reading :)

    Debbie wrote:
    Thanks Joy ...love you XXXX

    Lou and Bob wrote:
    We are loving it. Good luck with everything.
    Love Bob and Lou

    Frances wrote:
    Quick glance and love it already Joy

    Kerrynne wrote:
    Thats terrific Joy. What a terrific journey you’ll be on. Will be watching with interest.

    Jody wrote:
    Started reading your blog....I found it very moving.

    Jasmine wrote:
    Wow Joy this is awesome! Good stuff :)

    Lorraine wrote:
    Love your blog! I am now following it and look forward to your next instalment.

    Victoria wrote:
    Thanks Joy, I will read with interest, it looks just great, Victoria

    Amy wrote:
    Thanks Joy. Your own book sounds fantastic and it's great to hear about your journey through the blog. :)

    Kemeri wrote:
    Kind of chokes me up thinking that just by committing yourself to writing your life story with humility and grace, you can and will have this kind of impact on others. You are truly well-suited to your destiny girl!!

    Simon wrote:
    I have had a quick look this morning and this is just wonderful. It is so inspiring to see someone moving forward after some of your life experience and your passion, you just keep on going. It is so great to see you doing this - well done.

    Ken wrote:
    The site is a beauty, loved the stories and pics. Can’t wait to read the book.

    Wendy wrote:
    I have begun to read your blog and found myself engulfed in your writing, so much so I can't hear the kids. I feel the need to shed a tear, I don't know why, I just do. You are inspirational and I am so glad I found a friend in you.

    Jens wrote:
    I'm impressed. I just had a look at your blog and am surprised by how openly you can talk about your life. That tells me that you have dealt a lot with your pain. Congratulations and welcome to life. , www.CreativeSpirits.info

    Tania wrote:
    Too deadly go meems

    Olga K wrote:
    A had tears in my eyes just reading your blog !!! Look forward to the book and I absolutely wish you every success.
    Wahid wrote:
    Thank you very much. I am keenly interested in what you will be experiencing during your journey.... You have an awesome name. Peace.

    Helen wrote:
    Joy this is so cool – thankyou for sharing all that you are

    Tom wrote:
    Thanks so much Joy for inviting me to read about your life – it’s a very brave thing to do this and I wish you all the best with the project.

    Cheryl wrote:
    Words cannot express the gratitude I feel at the moment that you have chosen to share this beautiful blog with me. I will be reading this with interest and look forward to when you release your book and purchasing it for my own enjoyment. The Youtube on forgiveness is definitely one that should be shared for everyone as I believe forgiveness is about healing the hurts. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Joy, you are a brave woman for sharing your journey with the world. I'm sure that it will touch everyone who reads it, and I hope that you reach people who might be struggling with their own problems. I'm so glad that I got to share a small part of your journey with you.

  5. i found you as i was looking for my family history and my aunty 's name was joy makepeace i have started with my nans name Lillian Makepeace and pops name Frankie j New from lapa perouse its so hard i had my fingers crossed that we were related you have gone through alot and i am looking forward to reading more of your journies .
