Welcome to my blog

Congratulations and welcome to friends, family and others who have found something of interest in my blog. The reason that I have created this blog is to share some of my experiences regarding my own journey of writing and publishing my autobiography. I am really excited and motivated about this whole process. I hope that what I write about is interesting to you and thank you for your encouragement and support.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sorry, so what now? Reconciliation whose responsibility is it?

So what's your understanding of Reconciliation and whose responsibility is it?

I knew that my blog would be building up to a post of this nature, but it wasn’t until I started to do a bit of research around Reconciliation that it just began to overwhelm me.  An overwhelming sense of feeling "it’s all just too hard and too big for me as an individual", began to wash over me. I think that this feeling often stop us from doing anything at all.  This unfortunately is the exact opposite of the intentions of reconciliation.

To me, when I hear the word “reconciliation” it reminds me that something must be reconciled and my basic understanding of reconciling is to fix, to make better, to heal.  I believe that healing begins with forgiveness and this starts with one word “Sorry”.   We have all now heard that one word, so the question is what now?  This is probably a good time to share one of my favourite quotes by Gerald Jampolsky, which is;

“Forgiveness is letting go of all hopes for a better past”

So, if we become aware that we can’t change the past, we can only change the future.  We also need to know that we can’t change people, only they can change themselves.  It puts the responsibility of Reconciliation right back into the hands of every individual.  If it’s to be, it’s up to me!

Reconciliation means many different things to many different people.  It is about celebrating our similarities and diversity of this country, but it is also acknowledging and respecting our individuality and celebrating our differences.

In 2000, I was one of the 300,000 people who went to New South Wales to walk over the Sydney Harbour Bridge in support of Indigenous Australians and reconciliation.

I'm the "black" one with purple hair! ;)

This is now one of the signatory events of Reconciliation Australia http://www.reconciliation.org.au/  known as “Bridge Walks for Reconciliation” which are held in every State and Territory of Australia between 27 May and 3 June every year during “Reconciliation week”.   

So, you may be asking, what realistic step’s can “I” take to assist with Reconciliation?

Step 1:  Check out Reconciliation Australia’s website http://www.reconciliation.org.au/

Step 2:  Join UnfinishedOz  http://www.unfinishedoz.com.au/  which is about connecting everyday Australians with one another. It’s about pledging your support for reconciliation by joining the map and helping complete the picture.

Step 3:  Take a friend and join in on the “Bridge Walks for Reconciliation” during Reconciliation week 2011.

Step 4:  Attend a Cultural Awareness, Cultural Respect and/or Cultural Competency Training Workshop.  

Step 5:  Attend and share in as many Indigenous Community events as possible.  Spirit Festival, Sorry Day, NAIDOC Week (National Aboriginal and Islander Day of Celebration) and Reconciliation week. 

Step 6:  Create a workplace RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) http://www.reconciliation.org.au/home/reconciliation-action-plans/what-is-a-rap-
Step 7:   Share this information with as many others as you know and duplicate the process.

Unfortunately, if you think that this is a mammoth task then my final piece of advice is;

Pardon - burp - the pun!
Useful links:

Reconciliation Australia http://www.reconciliation.org.au/

Until next time!  Joy  :)

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